Praise given for drainage progress

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 26, 1998

By Al Arabie / L’Observateur / August 26, 1998

DEAR EDITOR: I would like to publicly thank Mr. Greg Bush for the great job he has donewith the flooding problem in LaPlace Park.

With all the rain we had on Friday, Aug. 21, LaPlace Park for the first timein years did not have any floodwater.

Mr. Bush had a drainage ditch put in the center on property, between NewEra subdivision and LaPlace Park, running north, with cross-ditches running east and west going into this drainage ditch.

This drainage ditch is going into a canal with pumps behind LaPlace Park, stopping the floodwaters from property between New Era and LaPlace coming to LaPlace Park. He also dug Haydel Canal wider and deeper.Again, I thank Mr. Greg Bush.

Al Arabie


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