Keller: Enjoy what’s given, which is only today
Published 12:01 am Saturday, November 12, 2016
The Bible says to fret not about tomorrow, in other words, take one day at a time. That makes good sense, because I’ve often heard that there are only two days in your life that will rob you of the good life — yesterday and tomorrow.
In other words, we are either living in the past or dreaming of/or dreading the future.
Being realistic, the only day we have is today. It is a gift and that’s why it’s called the present. We don’t have an option about taking one day at a time.
It’s all that we are given. The people who live each day to the fullest are the happiest. The key word is live, not just exist.
All of my life I have been anxious about the future. At an early age, I couldn’t wait to start school. Then, I couldn’t wait to make my Communion and Confirmation.
I couldn’t wait until high school. When I finally made it, I couldn’t wait to graduate, looking forward to joining the U.S. Navy.
After one day in the Navy, I projected how good it was going to be in four years when I would get my discharge. After my discharge, getting a good job seemed to be the ultimate.
I then fell in love and couldn’t wait to get married. While planning the wedding, I envisioned how good it would be to have children. After the children, the same cycle was repeated. I looked forward to the day I would have grandchildren.
The moral of this story is that we don’t take time to enjoy the only day that we have, which is today.
Recently, I was grocery shopping and noticed all the Christmas decorations, especially in the liquor department, where the packaging of their product makes it look so attractive.
It’s no wonder more alcohol is consumed between Thanksgiving and Christmas. We are programmed to associate holiday fun with booze.
Forgive me for getting off the subject for a moment and talking about alcohol, but the point is, here we are approaching Thanksgiving and already planning for Christmas. We not only neglect living one day at a time, we can’t even enjoy one holiday at a time.
Before Christmas, we will be geared up for New Year’s and then Mardi Gras, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter and on and on.
If you are having a hard time enjoying today, let’s make a commitment on Thanksgiving to enjoy that holiday and give thanks for all our blessings. After that day, we can then concentrate on Christmas.
If you have any questions or comments, please write Harold Keller at Get High on Life, P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084, call 985-652-8477 or e-mail