Photo feature: Top spellers
Published 12:06 am Wednesday, February 3, 2016
- The St. John the Baptist Parish Public School District held its District Spelling Bee Jan. 27 and 28. Students first had to win their school spelling bees to qualify for the district contest. District winners at the kindergarten level were, front row, from left, Tatyana Gross, first; Janiya Kliebert, second; and Casey Crane, third. School-level winners were, back row, from left, Terrance Russell, Dana Harris, Kolbie Savoie and Penelope Washington.

District winners at the first-grade level were, front row, from left, Sarai Gaines, first, and Mya Bukaske, second. School-level winners were, back row, from left, Jaz Thompson, Kaci Frank, Briana Gibson, Nalaeya Mitchell and Ennis McCormick. Not pictured is third-place winner Damoni Williams.

District winners at the second-grade level were, front row, from left, Ariel Davis, first; Chaela Alexander, second; and Derion Melancon, third. School-level winners were, back row, from left, Devin Morgan, Vivian Cases, Kernell Narcisse and Dy’Riyanna Hebread.