Michel: Make time to enjoy God’s presence
Published 12:08 am Saturday, August 22, 2015
During my years of teaching, there were days when I learned more than I ever taught.
One such day and one precious second grader stand out in my mind.
She stood by my desk, silently staring and smiling. I was in the midst of another Monday’s early morning rush and was not ready for the onslaught of students who were just entering the classroom.
“May I help you?” I asked, almost politely. She kept smiling. “Is there something you need?” I continued.
“No, ma’am,” she replied, “I just wanted to be by you.”
I felt my heart melting. She just wanted to be near me. How flattering! No needs or wants, no tattling or complaining; she just wanted to be near her teacher.
“When’s the last time you felt like that?” I heard The Voice like no other speak directly to my heart.
He continued, “When’s the last time you stood before Me, smiling, content, just longing to be near Me?”
“Oh, God,” my heart whispered, “it’s been a long time since I’ve come before you without a request or a problem. It seems as though I’m always begging for something. I am so sorry.”
I tucked this brief, yet life-changing exchange away in my heart and have pondered over it many times since it happened.
When did I get so busy that I stopped waiting in the presence of God? When did I begin to continually request what I wanted, expecting to be served? What activity could possibly compete with the pleasure of being in the presence of my God?
David knew the benefits of spending time with God or he could not have written Psalm 16:11, “You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”
I remember the various seasons in my life when I would sit and wait and rest before my Lord. I ache for those precious times with My Father, not to increase my pleas, but my praises; not giving voice to my whining, but my worshipping; not to be served, but to serve … just to be with Him. And when He asks, “Is there something you need?” I’m going to answer, “No Sir, I just wanted to be near You.”
Ronny Michel may be reached at rmichel@rtconline.com.