Don’t just tweet it, do it!

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It’s election year in Louisiana. Next year, it’s the presidential election and around the world revolution is in the air. As a people, we have become used to information coming to us without having to lift a finger. We consume information, spit back an opinion of it and then keep watching TV or reading the latest text message.

However, the changes needed and the reforms that are coming to the world as we know it will require something more than mere consumption and regurgitation of someone else’s opinion. Too often, the talking heads on the news channels determine the opinions and beliefs of millions of Americans who cannot decide on their own what is best for them.

A wise man once told me (and several thousand people) that real and lasting change comes from the efforts of people coming together to demand action from their leaders and institutions, and if that action isn’t realized, the people must unite to create the reform they seek. The man was Thomas Freidman, and his speech was to the graduating class of Tulane University.

His speech began as a simple “go get ‘em” speech, but it turned into an amazing lesson. The speech happened to fall in the middle of the revolutions occurring in the Middle East, and the lesson was the people in Tahrir Square in Egypt might have used Twitter, email, and Facebook to organize the event, but it took them actually showing up to get the world’s attention and remove a dictator.

History has shown that when people show up, change happens. From the American Revolution to the Women’s Suffrage movement, Civil Rights, the Tea Parties and now the toppling of regimes in the Middle East, change didn’t magically occur. People suffered, some lost their lives in the fight for freedom and equality, and the world is a better place because of it.

In two weeks, the leaders of Louisiana will be elected by the people who show up to vote that day and the supporters who volunteer for their campaigns. So, if you have a candidate you like please get up off the couch, volunteer for them and be a part of determining your future. Show up. Change the world.

The last bite…

As an early birthday dinner, Courtney took me out on the town in New Orleans, and we ended up at Tommy’s Wine Bar on Tchoupitoulas. In addition to the wonderful drinks, great music and my beautiful wife dancing on the dance floor, we had two orders of oysters to start the night. First was Tommy’s Oysters, which were Courtney’s favorite. I preferred the Oysters Bienville, which were grilled oysters, covered with crawfish, shrimp and a wonderful cheese topping that was baked to perfection! I give baked oysters and a martini 5 (out of 5) crumbs!

Buddy Boe, a resident of Garyville, owns a public relations and program management company and is well known on the local political (and food) scenes. His column appears Wednesdays in L’Observateur.