We need more independence
Published 12:00 am Sunday, July 5, 2009
in-de-pend-ence [in-di-pen-duhns]
1.Also, independency. the state or quality of being independent.
2.freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of others.
As our country celebrates Independence Day for the 233rd time, there seems to be little of what we’re about as a people anymore if you compare the definitions with today’s reality.
As a nation, we’re dependent on foreign oil, we’re dependent on foreign manufacturing because little is left of what made us great on our own shores and we’re dependent on the financial wellbeing of other nations.
As a people, we’ve developed into a society where many of us would rather walk around with a hand out, rather than looking for someone to take our hand and help us find our footing.
We’ve become the “gimme” and “owe me” generation and our government, rather than allowing us to stand on our own two feet, feels it knows best.
Except for the infirm and under age in this great nation, no one should know what’s best for another … much less something that winds up being more hurtful than helpful.
Why is it that any administration in the United States of America would feel a socialistic society is better than the democracy that has fared so well? Yet here we go down that primrose path.
We’ve nationalized the financial industry, we’ve nationalized two-thirds of the automotive industry and we’re headed toward socialized medicine as sure as a moth heads to an open flame. The Cap and Trade legislation, narrowly approved by the House despite overwhelming opposition from almost every Congressional district in the land, will effectively doom the American energy sector and cause the cost of heating and cooling and refueling to go through the roof.
And our president cites examples of why we should change healthcare and why Cap and Trade is good — except for the fact his examples of Canada and Great Britain for healthcare and Spain for energy regulation and proof these things don’t work.
The Canadian and British health system is broken beyond repair and the Spaniards learned how costly governmental control of energy can be.
Since my wife and I pay our bills, I’d appreciate government — ANY government and ANY party — staying the heck out of our business. I don’t need a Democan or Republicrat, either one, telling me what I ought to do and why I ought to do it.
But until we remember what Independence Day is all about — and it ain’t hot dogs — we’ll continue to receive our marching orders from Washington.
(John H. Walker is editor and publisher of L’Observateur.)