Son’s letter gives a father hope and encouragement

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 18, 2008

After speaking at a drug treatment center two weeks ago, a client approached me and handed me the following letter he had received from his 16-year-old son who lives in Michigan. He was visibly touched and wanted to share his encouraging letter with me.

“Dear Dad,

I hope this reaches you okay. I got your letter and it does me good to hear from you. I know you are there to just do your bit and move on, but do not believe that you cannot learn something there. Those people in there are just there to do their bit as well. But that does not mean you cannot help them along as well. Share your story and tell them to learn from it as well. Tell them that what they have done does not make them bad people and there is no sin that cannot be forgiven. Tell them about how God wrestled you away from Satan’s hands and told him, “This one belongs to ME.”

You and these people need to know the story of the Corinthians. The city of Corinth was a city in ancient times that laid on trade routes in Greece. Thus it became a land of great sin. It was like modern Las Vegas is, except it was worse. The apostle Paul went to Corinth and started a church there. It became one of the largest Christian churches in history. Christ Himself said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. And I go to the sick.” He hung out with the tax collectors, prostitutes and sinners to save them.

If there is one thing you have taught me, it is that we are who we choose to be and there is no lesson I have learned better than that one.

I hope you’re okay and you feel fine. I, myself, am doing pretty good. My grades are good and everything seems to be running smoothly. But that’s life, because the minute you know how to play the game, they change the rules.

I had a good and busy weekend hanging with my friends and going to a birthday party. I’ll send some pictures later of myself and grandpa. He is doing quite well. In spite of his blindness, he is able to get up and down the stairs with relative ease. He says “hi” and hopes you do well in the treatment center. I can’t wait to see you. Pray for me.

In your next letter, tell me how you’re doing and what they are teaching you.

Your loving son,


If you have any questions, or comments, please write to Get High on Life, P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084, call (985) 652-8477, or e-mail: