Our proudest achievements are neither showy nor self-serving

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Harold Keller

I think it’s exciting to hear from someone from your past. A few weeks ago, I was blessed to receive a letter from Donald Tassin of Louisville, Kentucky.

Don and I grew up in Reserve, went to Leon Godchaux High School, and participated in St. John Parish’s first organized Little League program in 1952. I was one of the coaches and Don was a player on the Cubs team.

I may have seen him only once in the past 50+ years. Please allow me to share the following letter with you:

“November 5, 2007

Dear Harold and Jeanne,

Surprising as it may be hearing from me, Don Tassin, it has taken me a while to get some words down just to say “hi.”

I’ve been absent from Reserve over 50 years, still doing what I was raised to do – helping to make a mark in this life.

I have served my God and country – 21 years in the Army and Kentucky National Guard (retired). I worked for the Jefferson County Kentucky School System as a bus driver for over 20 years (retired). I have served God in my church, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church, as a Eucharistic Minister and member of the church choir, and I sing at funerals when needed.

My wife and I have five children, ranging in ages from 30 to 45. Jerry, my oldest son, is stationed in Bagdad with the Kentucky National Guard and is due to return home in January.

We also have five grandchildren, three boys and two girls. Chris is a junior at DeSales Catholic High School and may be going to the University of Kentucky when he graduates. Nick is a freshman at the same school and is a football player.

Harold, my wife and I have been blessed with wonderful grandchildren and children. Whenever the Leon Godchaux High School class of ’58 holds its reunion, I plan on being there.

God Speed,

Don Tassin and family”

Whenever I describe a humble, successful person doing what God intended them to do, I say they are like the most popular ice cream, plain vanilla. Donald Tassin, a man proud of his family, a true American, and a servant of God is as successful as anyone with whom I grew up.

If you have any questions, or comments, please write to Get High on Life, P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084, call (985) 652-8477, or e-mail: hkeller@comcast.net.