Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 11, 1999

Harold Keller / L’Observateur / December 11, 1999

At our last Friday morning men’s Bible meeting, which is held weekly at McDonald’s, we had 14 men in attendance. They represented sevendifferent churches. These meetings have been very important to me in myspiritual growth. It’s amazing how a group of men becomes transparentwhen the common denominator is Jesus. The group has a differentmoderator each week, and the only requirement is to pick something from the Bible. Each man gets a chance to share within the hour that we meet.Our primary purpose is to become the men for which we were created. Wetalk about being godly husbands and fathers and also about being a light in this dark world.

Last week, my good friend, Mickey Roussel, was talking about role models – heroes. Mickey said, “My hero is my nephew, Sean Roussel. He’s beenphysically handicapped since birth and is confined to a wheelchair. Sean is19 years old now. Talk about a hero! When Sean was in the second grade,his teacher asked the students what they would want if they had one wish.”According to Mickey, Sean’s reply was, “I don’t need anything. I have a Godwho loves me and a great family. I have everything I need.” Wow! I wonderwhat the other kids wished for? It never ceases to amaze me how physically handicapped people are more humble, more grateful and seem to be happier than anyone else.

When I called Mickey to ask his permission to use him and his nephew, Sean, in this article, he agreed and said, “Guess what? Next month, Sean gets his driver’s license. He will have a vehicle with hand controls andprobably a hydraulic lift for his wheelchair.”I’ve never met Sean, but I can see why Mickey chose him as his hero. Whatcourage! What desire! What gratitude! After hearing Mickey speak about Sean, I realize that he’s not handicapped at all. He’s an excellent example that life is for living on life’s terms.

Harold Keller is a regular columnist for L’Observateur

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