Sports Briefs
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 19, 1998
L’Observateur / August 19, 1998
Coaches, players, fans and parents: L’Observateur wants schedules, scores or any story ideas about sports and outdoor activities in the River Parishes. Contact Michael Kiral, staff writer, at 652-9545, drop by 116Newspaper Drive, or mail to P.O. Box 1010, LaPlace, LA 70069-1010.
All football, volleyball, cross country, soccer and swimming coaches, please send your schedules to L’Observateur, Sports, P.O. Box1010, LaPlace, LA 70069-1010 or fax to (504) 652-3885.
L’Observateur is looking for sports stringers for the 1998 prep football season. Sports knowledge neccessary and writing skills a plus. Callmanaging editor Sandy Seal or staff writer Michael Kiral at 652-9545 for more details.
L’Observateur is looking for those interested in writing a column on fishing, hunting and other outdoors activity. If interested, contact MichaelKiral at 652-9545.
The Special Olympics are looking for a director in St. James Parish andvolunteers for the Bayoulands Area.
If interested, contact Bayoulands Area Director Theresa Theriot at 1- 800-276-3195.
The River Parishes Fellowship of Christian Athletes Adult Chapter meets on the first Saturday of every month for breakfast at 8:30 a.m. at the Corner Cafe on Dominican Drive in LaPlace.For information call Gary Zeringue at 869-3005 or Don Fernandez at 652- 3029.
NOAH Recreation is holding registration for ages 7-12 for its 1998 football season through Sept. 4. Registrants must bring a copy of their birth certificate if they are not already on file.
For more information contact Wilfred Mitchell at 652-4660 or call the NOAH Boosters at 651-9002.
St. Joan of Arc will hold soccer registration for girls and boys ages 5 to14 tomorrow from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Family Life Center located on theSt. Joan of Arc campus. Payment will be due at this time. The program isalso looking for interested coaches for all age groups. Anyone interestedshould sign up on one of thses dates or call Roger Clay at 652-3142, Jeff Coleman at 652-1804 or Perry DiCarlo at 652-9702.
The St. Peter Catholic Community is organizing soccer leagues forthis coming season. Registration for players ages 5-12 will be heldSunday from 9 a.m. to noon in front of the church. For more informationplease contact Joycelyn Hymel at 536-6934.
Ascension of Our Lord Recreation will have soccer registration Sunday and August 30 in the school lobby from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Registration will be held for the following age groups: under 6 years old (boys and girls), under 8 years old (boys and girls), boys under 10 years old, girls under 10 years old, boys under 11 years old, boys under 12 years old, girls under 12 years old, boys under 13 years old, boys under 14 years old and girls under 14 years old.
Any questions call director Mike Abbate Sr. at 652-5041.
The St. Charles Parish Department of Parks and Recreation isholding registration for the 1998 football, cheerleader, girls’ biddy basketball and fall baseball seasons.
Registration will be held at the West Bank Bridge Park, Saturday, from 9 a.m. to noon for the Ama, Boutte, Hahnville, Killona and Luling boosterclubs.
Registration will also be held Monday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at HurstMiddle School for the Destrehan booster club, at Lakewood Elementary for Mimosa and at Albert Cammon Middle for St. Rose; and Tuesday from 5:30p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at J.B. Martin Middle for Des Allemands and NorcoElementary for Norco.
Fall baseball registration will be held Saturday at the West Bank Bridge Park from 9 a.m. to noon.Registration make-ups will be held at the West Bank Bridge Park Saturday, Aug. 29 from 9 to 11 a.m.All weigh-ins and $1 ID pictures for football will be conducted at the jamboree. The cut off date for age group is Aug. 31. Last day to register isSept. 3 at the Recreation Office between 8:30 a.m. And 4 p.m. Age groupand weight limits are 7-8, 100 pounds; 9-10, 120 pounds and 11-12, 140 pounds.
The St. Charles Recreation Department Girls’ biddy basketball season willbegin on Sept. 19. Cut-off date for age group is Sept. 1. Last day toregister is Sept 3 at the Recreation Office. Age groups are 6-8, 9-10 and11-12.
The fall baseball season will last through October and the fee is $35. Agesare 8-9 pitching machine, 10-11 and 12-13.
Birth certificates must be on file at the Recreation Department in order to participate in the recreation programs.
The Bayou Soccer Association in conjunction with the Louisiana Soccer Association will host an “E” level coaching certification course, focusing on U12 and U14 age groups, Saturday and Sunday from 7:30 a.m. to5 p.m. at Vandebilt Catholic School in Houma.The course is open to all coaches. The cost is $45 for coaches affiliated tothe state association and $55 for those non-affiliated. For further detailsand to sign up for the course contact Gary Gerstner at 868-8492.
The Lafreniere Soccer Association in conjunction with the Louisiana Soccer Association will host a “F” level coaching certification course for under 8 and under 10 coaches Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at LafrenierePark in Metairie.
The course is open to all coaches. The cost is $25 for coaches affiliated tothe state association and $35 for those non-affiliated. For further detailsand to sign up for the course contact the Lafreniere S.A. Office at 733-7006.
St. Charles Catholic Quarterback Club meetings will be held everyTuesday night in the school cafeteria from now through the end of the season. Beginning with the September 1 meeting, each meeting will behighlighted by a guest speaker.
The St. Charles Catholic Athletic Association is holding a monthly$1,000 raffle. Only 100 tickets will be sold each month at a cost of $20per ticket. Drawings are to be held on the 28th of each month. For ticketinformation call coach Don Fernandez at St. Charles Catholic at 652-3029. The Realtors Classic 1 mile and 5K race will be held Sept. 19 tobenefit the Saints Board of Realtors Scholarship Fund.
Registration will be held at 5 p.m. and the one mile starts at 5:30 p.m.Followed by the 5K at 6 p.m. at Belle Terre Boulevard at the Bank ofLaPlace. Walkers start one minute after runners in each race.Entry fees are as follows and are due by Sept. 6: student entry, $8;preregistration, $12; registration after Sept. 6, $14 (with no guarantee ofT-shirt); and non-participant, $10 (Realtors and affiliates only).
Commemorative race T-shirts will be given out the day of the race to all pre-registered entrants.
Refreshments will be served and door prizes given out on the day of the race.
The St. Charles Catholic Athletic Association benefit dinner willbe held Sunday, September 20. Menu includes shrimp etouffe, vegetable,salad, bread and dessert.
Cost of the meal is $5 per plate (dine-in or carry-out). Meals will beserved between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Tickets may be purchased at St. Charles Catholic’s Treasurer’s officeduring normal school hours or at any of the Quarterback Club meetings prior to Sept. 20.
The St. Peter School’s Fifth Annual Alumni and Friends GolfTournament will be held Monday, September 21 at Belle Terre Country Club.
Events include a four-man scramble tournament with a 1 p.m. shotgunstart, a putting contest and other activities, lunch with continuous beverage service and a meal with presentation of door prizes at the conclusion of the tournament.
The $100 participant entry fee includes all green fees, carts, lunch, unlimited beverages, dinner and chances for door prizes and awards.
Participant and sponsorship forms are available through the school’s office or anyone who is interested can call tournament chairperson Timmy Thames at 536-3013 for more information.
The St. John Parish Sheriff’s Office is sponsoring hunter safetyclasses that are free of charge.
All classes will be held at the St. John Parish Sheriff’s Office DivisionHeadquarters in LaPlace. Registration is required and you must attend eachday for certification. Class times will be from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.Saturday’s class will start at Nick’s Shooting Range in Garyville at 8 a.m.The schedule of classes: Sept. 22-24 and 26; Oct. 20-22 and 24; and Nov.17-19 and 21.
Call 652-7058 or 652-9513 to register or if you have any questions.
The St. Charles Catholic Homecoming/Ray Laiche Memorial GolfScramble will be held Monday, October 12 at Riverlands Country Club.
Cost is $100 per player and includes golf, lunch, drinks, dinner, tournament gift, mulligans and door prizes. Hole sponsorships areavailable at $50 per hole. For more information contact Jonnie Price at652-8471.
The Chrysler Junior Golf Scholarship Program will award 40 $1,000 educational scholarships to America’s most deserving junior golfers.
Anyone 12-18 who plans to attend college can apply.
For information or to request an application contact: Chrysler Junior Golf Scholarship Program Headquarters, 640 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10019, phone 1-800-856-0764 or e-mail
Contributions to the Ray Laiche Memorial Fund Scholarship can be made at the Bank of LaPlace. Call 652-2200 for information.
Rather than trading in the family car, consider donating it to Louisiana Special Olympics’ Recycle for Gold program.
The LSO will recycle your vehicle into the cash needed to provide year- round athletic training and sports competition for 12,000 children and adults with mental disabilities.
All donors are eligible for a tax deduction.
For information call 800-590-1600.
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