Meet the Candidates: Parish Council District 3

Published 6:30 am Thursday, September 21, 2023

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Parish Council District 3

  • Tammy Y. Houston – Unopposed

Date of Birth: 06/25

Profession/ Current Employer/ Retired: Retired 

Why did you choose to run for Parish Council? As a resident who has dedicated my adult life to public service working for our public library system and serving on the civil service board for 12 years, being a member of the Parish’s Council is a natural extension of my desire to help others and serve the needs of the community.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position? I am the most qualified candidate as I have proven leadership experience.  I retired as the Assistant Director of the public library system and held the title of Chairperson on the Civil Service Board for six years.  Additionally, I have experience with public contracts, audits, bidding processes and spending public monies, generally being fiscally responsible.  I currently am a member of the Regional Planning/Transportation Commission and am the incumbent as the council member representing, district III.  

What is the No. 1 concern impacting your district, and how do you plan to address this? Blighted homes, nuisance codes and drainage issues are of major concerns in the district.  We have pending policies that need to be approved that will update our codes of ordinances.  These problems are addressed more thoroughly and the penalties are much more pronounced and outlined in the new policies.  We just completed a major drainage project in one area in the district and it is my goal to allocate more funding to improve other areas with drainage problems. Recreation, for both children and adults, have shown remarkable improvement, especially with our facilities and I eagerly anticipate continuing to facilitate more programs and improvements.   

What would you like to accomplish in the next four years? I’d like to concentrate on more policy making.  There are some issues that are not covered by our current codes of ordinances. The next four years will be about tightening undefined or vague ordinances and making them more precise.  I look forward to the completion of the Westshore Levee project.  The Reserve interstate exit project is about to commence and will take shape during the next four years.  I also would like to host more meetings with constituents.  The pandemic restricted access to public interaction; so, I relish holding more meetings to achieve public input for the district. It is also imperative that we improve the water system in the district, as well, as the entire parish and I am pleased that when have already began the projects to make these improvements.