Hearts in Touch: A delay is not a denial

Published 8:00 am Wednesday, September 20, 2023

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I was expecting company, so I prepared.

I spread fruit and cheese across the island in the kitchen, cooked a pastalaya, and prepared a roast for po-boys. Two of my sons-in-law were outside ready to fry shrimp.

Then I got the text. Our guests were delayed. They were still coming but wouldn’t arrive on time.

What did I do?

I waited. I knew they’d show up. It was a delay, not a deny; a setback, not a stop sign; a holdup, not a halt to our plans. I remained prepared for the visit.

Sure enough, they showed up. It was later than I had expected, but it was well worth the wait. Our visit was even better than I had anticipated. We caught up since the last time we had visited, celebrated all God is presently doing in our lives, (reheated the food), laughed all night, and ended the evening praying for our future.

What do I do when I’m praying for something and it’s taking a long time?

I wait. It’s a delay, not a deny; a setback, not a stop sign, a holdup; not a halt to my prayers. I remain prayerful, hopeful, and expectant. I remember what God has done in the past and I look toward the future. And I repeat Hebrews 6:12 over and over, “Be like those who have faith and have not given up. They will receive what God has promised them.” The wait is always worth it.

Ronny Michel can be reached at rmichel@rtconline.com.