LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Don’t let procedural issues bog down the Greenfield Facility

Published 11:30 am Saturday, August 19, 2023

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As lifelong residents of the West Bank (Wallace, Edgard, Lucy) we are concerned that the District Court for St. John the Baptist Parish gave in to pressure from two local voices and their non- local supporters. The goal of these voices is to shut down the project. These two voices do not speak for our community; we have our own voice. We speak on behalf of a large group of our community members, made up of family members, community leaders, and friends who strongly support the Greenfield grain facility.

The court’s decision to remove the Industrial land designation and designate the land as Residential for the Greenfield property has contributed to the continuous frustration our community is having with the delays surrounding this much needed project.

The Industrial land designation for the Greenfield property has been in placed in the Parish since 1990. In those years there has never been a challenge brought forth by these voices or any other members of the West Bank Community. Therefore, to challenge this designation now claiming a procedural issue with the original buffer zone appears to be self-serving.

For years, we have witnessed the struggles of our community and if we continue the status quo of years past we will witness the extinction of the place we call home. We see Greenfield as a critical component to help sustain the community, and our schools, which we all know have seen a decline in attendance over the years. The Grain facility will bring jobs with livable wages and help bring tax revenue to support our schools, roads, and other infrastructure.  With Greenfield, we have an opportunity to continue our vibrant legacy as a community honoring our past, present, and future. This is our home where we want our current and future generations to remain, sharing the same pride that we have always carried about our community.

We want the Greenfield Grain facility.  We want our Parish Council to listen to ALL residents and to do everything possible to ensure the facility moves forward.  Our friends, family and community members should not have to suffer because of procedural drama and opportunists who use it to their advantage.


Kita Harry and Chad Roussell