Air permits received to build St. James Formosa Plastics Plant

Published 12:05 am Saturday, January 11, 2020

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WELCOME — FG LA LLC, a member of Formosa Plastics Group, recently received its final permits from the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality needed to begin construction of a new ethylene complex in St. James Parish. The $9.4 billion investment is expected to create approximately 1,200 new direct jobs with an average salary of $84,500 plus benefits. FG spokesperson Jim Harris said peak construction would employ approximately 8,000 people.

FG’s Think Local policy is the company’s commitment to hire locally and use local businesses during construction and operations. Job information and project updates are available at

The project drew mixed reactions from community members. Members of activist group RISE St. James fear the new complex will contribute to industrial pollution and heath problems.

More information about the project and its opposing viewpoints will be included in Wednesday’s edition of L’OBSERVATEUR.