Keller: Always know which game is the most important

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Last Wednesday, I was invited by my friend, Erick St. Amant, to attend a breakfast in St. Charles Parish that was advertised as “A Game Plan for Life.” Event organizer Pastor Benny Jones is active in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and is a promoter of the Annual Sugar Bowl Breakfast in New Orleans, which takes place before the game.

Joe Gibbs, a three-time Super Bowl Champion, a three-time Nascar Champion, and the author of the book, “Game Plan for Life,” was the speaker. He compared the game of football with the game of life. He said in both you have a team (the players) that needs a coach. To be a successful coach, the road to victory is a playbook with a plan to win.

He continued and said it takes team players who buy into the vision of the coach. All games have a time limit. He referred to the last two minutes of the game as the Two Minute Drill. The bottom line is you have to perform before the time runs out to win the game.

Being as successful as Joe Gibbs was as a coach, winning was important to him. However, he realized that the game of life is more important than a football game. Regardless of who wins the football game, it really doesn’t matter in life. It’s only a game.

He shared that the only game which really counts is the game of life. We are all players, God is the coach and God’s playbook is the Bible, which has been around for thousands of years. It has the winning formula for anyone who accepts His invitation to be saved by His Son, Jesus.

Mr. Gibbs closed by saying that the game of life has a time limit with no warning. We have to make a decision before our time runs out if we want to be a winner in the game of life.


If you have any questions, or comments, please write to Harold Keller at Get High on Life, P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084, call 985-652-8477, or e-mail