National communication award named after local LSU professor

Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 9, 2019

BATON ROUGE — The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication’s History Division announced Tuesday the creation of the Jinx Coleman Broussard Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Media History. They will present Broussard with this honor during their Awards Gala at the August 2020 AEJMC conference.

In the future, the award will presented to the winners of the division’s Transformative Teaching of Media and Journalism History competition.

Broussard is a professor in the Manship School of Mass Communication at Louisiana State University. She has been the recipient of many awards in both Journalism and Education.

“I am incredibly honored to have my name associated with this award,” Broussard said. “I hope to continue inspiring students, teachers and scholars of media history to uncover the past and make sense of the role media have played and the impact they continue to make in our world.”

Martin Johnson, dean of LSU’s Manship School of Mass Communication, said the university is delighted to celebrate Broussard as she continues to win prestigious national awards.

“We are so proud of Dr. Broussard and all that she has accomplished as a scholar, a public relations practitioner, a professor and a mentor for so many of our Manship School students over the years,” Johnson said.

Others in the LSU History division said this is a small way to recognize the many years and contributions Dr. Broussard has given to her field of study.

She is recognized as an expert on the history of the black press and is author of the national award-winning book titled “African-American Foreign Correspondents: A History,” which followed “Giving a Voice to the Voiceless: Four Pioneering Black Women Journalists.” Broussard also does research on representation of racial and ethnic minorities, public relations and crisis communication. Her co-authored book titled “Journalism and Public Relations in Times of Crisis: A Symbiotic Relationship” was published in June 2019.

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