Keller: Celebrate the life of your departed loved one

Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 2, 2019

Tuesday was the first anniversary of our daughter, Kay’s death. Jeanne and I had a few calls and messages from friends sharing the love they have for us and remembering the joyous life that Kay lived for 56 years.  No one will ever know how much we think about and miss our precious gift that God loaned us.

People have different ways to grieve the passing of a loved one.  Last week, Ronny called Kay’s husband, Tony, and their children and said that we would get together and remember Kay’s death, but most importantly, celebrate her life.  It was a great evening as we shared stories remembering the loving and giving spirit that Kay had.

Ronny, always a gracious hostess, cooked chili, made two cakes and had ice cream.  Brandi, Kay’s oldest daughter, brought a Doberge cake which was one of Kay’s favorite.

Last year, when Kay passed away at the hospital, I told Jeanne in our sorrow, that God must really love us a lot.  He gave Kay to us 56 years ago in a hospital and allowed us to be in the hospital as He took her home.

I repeat what Ronny reminded us of in an article she wrote a few months ago.  She said that Jeanne and I will see our sweet daughter again and that meeting will truly be out of this world.

 If you have any questions, or comments, please write to Harold Keller at Get High on Life, P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084, call (985) 652-8477, or e-mail:

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