P.O.W.E.R. to make a difference

Published 5:00 am Friday, October 25, 2019

LAPLACE — A group of seven River Parishes businesswomen got together for a lunch date and quickly realized they wanted to be more than just a social club. With so much wisdom and experience at the table, the ladies felt empowered to make a true change in the community.

P.O.W.E.R., short for Pretty Outstanding Women Empowered Unite, is a new organization that uses sisterhood to empower, advocate, educate and transform through community outreach.

The nonprofit group kicks off its first brunch from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday Oct. 26 at Belle Terre Country Club in LaPlace. Motivational speakers, great food and refreshments and a slew of door prizes including tickets for the Pelicans versus the Golden State Warriors basketball game highlight the event. The tickets, $40 per person, are available at the door or by calling 504-339-7421.

P.O.W.E.R. members include real estate agents, process technicians, entrepreneurs, small business owners and college students. Each woman has a vision to assist elected officials and promote youth development in St. John the Baptist, St. James and St. Charles parishes.

Kaneedra Fultz has always had a special interest in helping her community. While working in economic development for St. John Parish, she heard the local TWIC Office was closing and knew she had to do something to help the many industry workers in the region.

For 2.5 years, she worked to get the TWIC office back and eventually opened the River Region Training and Development Center.

“All of my businesses were started for the good of the community,” Fultz said. “Every job I do is because I look back to see what the community needs. That was my reason for joining P.O.W.E.R.”

Like Fultz, each of the members has reasons for helping the community. P.O.W.E.R. also includes FastTrac graduates Dayna James and Shaun Adams of United Front Transportation Services; Natasha M. Ross of Premiere Choice Realty LLC/ Assured Taxes LLC; Dawn P. Warren of Premiere Choice Realty LLC; Lucretia Scott of Del’s Angels Learning Center LLC; and Katrina B. Campbell of Assured Taxes LLC.

James said everyone will be able to bring something to the table with the wide range in career experience. Raising political awareness in youth, inspiring young adults with motivational speakers, hosting Christmas drives and giving guidance on starting small businesses are among the activities P.O.W.E.R. plans to be involved in.

“When you get a group of positive people together, nothing but positive can come from it,” James said. “It’s time for us to start something because we can’t leave everything on the officials. We have to join together and unite.”

The younger generation is also getting involved in P.O.W.E.R. Dominique James, a junior kinesiology major at Southeastern Louisiana University, is a new member. She decided to join because she wants to be a voice for the young women of her community, speak for those who may not speak up and lend a helping hand to those in need.

College student Jade Ross is another new member eager to make a change, and several younger girls have expressed interest in the group.

Natasha Ross joined P.O.W.E.R. to give back to the youth, and she’s excited to hear the younger generation give insight on what they need to ease the transition into adulthood.

“There are a lot of things that I didn’t get growing up,” Ross said. “Because of what I know now, I am able to give myself as a resource back to the community to help them be exposed to things as far as real estate and credit. If we can get young people exposed to those things now, I think it would help them to be more productive adults.”

Ross also wants to prove that a group of women can successfully work together and make a difference.

One of P.O.W.E.R.’s first initiatives will be to host a Teen Summit featuring inspirational speakers for young people to look up to.

“They are our future leaders,” James said. “We want to pour into them so they can pour into somebody else.”

For more information, message the P.O.W.E.R. Facebook page, call 504-339-7421 or email powertounite@gmail.com.