Keller: Forgiveness eases the pain of resentment

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Last week, I had 23 people in my DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) class.  I tell them that only God could have arranged for this cross section of people to come together.  The classes are held three nights a month on a Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday night. I thoroughly enjoy these groups as much as any function that God allows me to moderate.

The classes are very casual, and I allow those in attendance to participate. We talk about many things, including their attitude, their likes, and their dislikes about themselves. Also, about some things that would keep them in bondage, such as the past, drugs, being negative, a low self-image, resentments, etc.

When the subject of resentment was discussed, one young man said that he had resentment toward the man who killed his younger brother. I asked him if he thought he could ever get even with him.

“No,” he said, “he lives in another state, but if I ever see him I will.”

“When did that happen?”

“In 1995.”

“That’s been 24 years ago. Don’t you think that maybe you should forgive him?”

“I never will,” was his response.

Being the moderator, I started to tell him why he needed to forgive the man who killed his brother. I was interrupted by a gentleman in the group who shared with the man and the group why we need to forgive others who have hurt us. He did a better job than I would have done. He stressed that we should humble ourselves before God and ask for forgiveness. That’s the only way to live if we want peace in our lives and be free of the bondage of the sin of resentment.

The group was quiet and I discerned a healing taking place in the man’s heart.

It’s amazing what God does when people get together and are transparent and honest with each other.


If you have any questions, or comments, please write to Harold Keller at Get High on Life, P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084, call 985-652-8477 or email