Passion & Perseverance: JLO 8th grader screening Holocaust documentary in DC

Published 12:06 am Saturday, April 28, 2018

LAPLACE — This summer, John L. Ory eighth grader Jada Brown will travel to Washington DC, stand before judges and present her documentary on the Holocaust in the top level of National History Day competition.

Held June 10-14 at the University of Maryland, College Park, National History Day invites top entries from each state to demonstrate active involvement in historical research.

Driven and passionate about learning, Jada enjoys researching history while maintaining numerous commitments to sports and school activities.

Jada’s story is one of perseverance, according to her mother and assistant principal Monica Brown.

Two years ago, Jada went to the hospital unable to breathe, took medicine and woke up unable to recall any details of her life.

Jada’s amnesia lasted 10 weeks, Brown said. While struggling with her memory, she found herself unable to read and complete school assignments at the level she previously performed.

Jada Brown is is preparing for a summer screening and recently earned a singing award through Jr. Beta Club. She is pictured researching WWII sources.

Homeschooling options were discussed, but Jada ultimately decided she wanted to return to John L. Ory.

Smaller amnesia episodes have been sporadic in the two years since, Brown said. Jada has cut back on some of her activities but remains more involved than most students her age.

She’s competed in social studies and science fairs since kindergarten and has won awards annually.

This year, she competed in National History Day in lieu of the social studies fair. As a granddaughter and niece of several veterans, Jada cultivated an interest in researching wars.

In February, Jada took on the role of a historian, researching and compiling WWII sources and survivor stories.

Jada Brown holds the medal she received in a National History Day competition.

“I chose a documentary because I’m really into filmmaking and editing,” Jada said. “That’s one of my hobbies at home because it’s something my older brother is into.”

Jada’s brothers, Jordan and Justin Brown, are high achievers who set a standard for Jada while they were in school.

Friendly sibling rivalry bred a competition of who can work the hardest.

Jada plays volleyball, softball and basketball, takes gifted classes and participates in Jr. Beta Club, through which she recently won a singing award.

Music has been her passion since second grade, when she began vocal and piano lessons.

Today, she’s trying her hand at guitar and taking part in John L. Ory’s talented music program.

Jada Brown also serves as news anchor for her school’s morning show.

In talented drama, Jada participates in school productions, and she dreams of a career path involving musical theatre.

Brown said perseverance, intrinsic motivation and kindness are the hallmarks of Jada’s personality.

“Jada truly cares about others and wants to see everyone treated fairly,” Brown said.

“At the same time, she’s always striving to develop herself. She’s self-reflective, always thinking of how she can improve.”