St. Joan of Arc celebrates Catholic Schools Week

Published 12:03 am Saturday, February 17, 2018

A long-time member of the SJA faculty, Cathy Tramonte has taught for 40 years, with 30 of those years teaching second grade. She also prepares her students for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and Holy Communion. Tramonte is always eager to research and implement the latest, most effective trends in education in order to provide the best education she can for her students.


The National Catholic Educational Association Distinguished Graduate for SJA is Brent Remondet, a 1982 graduate from SJA. Remondet is a LaPlace resident and SJA parishioner. His two children are SJA students. He is a member of the SJA Church Pastoral Council and Finance Committee and president of the School Advisory Board. Remondet was chairman of the parish fair. He coaches school sports teams and has been the head room parent for his child’s class. “Cathoilc education prepares a person with the foundation of service to God and others, built on faith, hope and love, which provides a pathway that enables a person to daily take steps closer to God,” Remondet said.