Clement: Year as Miss Festival of the Bonfires was nothing short of amazing

Published 12:02 am Wednesday, November 22, 2017

This year has not only been measured in minutes, but in moments — extraordinary, fun filled, memory making moments that I won’t forget.

This past year as Miss Festival of the Bonfires XXVII has been nothing short of amazing. I never imagined how fast my reign would fly by, and soon another lucky young woman will take my place.

This year has also been measured in miles…2,310 of them to be exact. And I wouldn’t have had it any other way. From citrus tasting, strawberry picking and crawfish racing to shrimp peeling, parade riding and picture taking, my year was jam packed with the most unique traditions that only a Louisiana festival queen would experience. 

However, my very favorite event was right here in my hometown of Lutcher. The Festival of the Bonfires has so much to offer, and nothing warms my heart more than seeing the community come together and continue our small town tradition.

All my queen friends raved about how much fun they had watching the bonfire ignite and being on the levee and I couldn’t be more proud. I can’t thank Mrs. Rhonda Lee, Mrs. Jamie Vicknair and the rest of our volunteers for the hard work and time they put in each and every year for our festival to be such a great success.

I was also blessed with the most perfect teen queen and director. Breleigh has exemplified grace and class at every event, and it was so much fun taking her under my wing and showing her the ropes of the queen life. Having a teen queen with such talent and a great personality has made my reign even more wonderful.

Lastly, none of this would have been possible without Festival of the Bonfires Pageant Director Jade Leblanc. Without my strong-willed, determined, understanding, patient and fun-loving director, I wouldn’t have had the experience I was blessed with.  Not only is she a superb director, but an awesome friend as well and I aspire to be half the woman she is.

Unfortunately, my year has come to an end, but I can’t wait to see what’s in store for our next set of queens. For the last time, I am your Miss Festival of the Bonfires XVII.

— Davi Clement