Way Back Wednesday: Oct. 11, 2017

Published 12:03 am Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Oct. 11, 1984: Stacie Colgan, seated second center, was named Junior Miss Andouille Festival and will reign at the festival sponsored by the LaPlace Volunteer Fire Department. She competed against 22 contestants. Seated from left, Bridget Passman, first runner up, most photogenic and in a tie with Nicole Smith for Miss Congeniality; Miss Colgan; Julie Veron, second runner up. Standing from left, Ashley Drury, third runner up; Selena Bertrand, last year’s Junior Miss Andouille; and Geraldine Petit, fourth runner up.

Oct. 10, 1974: Roland Barnes, St. John ESAA Reading Program director, looks over the program for a reading workshop with Bettye Martin, left, and Linda Fontenberry, reading consultants.