Way Back Wednesday: Aug. 9. 2017

Published 12:06 am Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Aug. 7, 1999: Children promote anti-crime activities with handmade signs in Norco’s Diamond Subdivision during the annual observance of National Night Out Against Crime. Front, from left, are Shawn Simms, Orin Taylor, Candice Eugene and, at top, Sylvia Smith.

Aug. 7, 1969: Principals at a reception in LaPlace for St. John the Baptist Parish’s new Congressman Speedy O. Long of the Eighth Congressional District were, from left, Daniel E. Becnel Jr., who sponsored the testimonial dinner and served as mast of ceremonies; Long, Lt. Gov. C.C. Aycodk, St. John Parish Sheriff P.D. Hebert, who was honored for 28 years of public service, and School Board President J.O. Montegut, honored for 44 years of public service.