Police: Reserve man breaks 3-year-old girl’s arm for urinating on herself

Published 8:40 am Tuesday, July 4, 2017

RESERVE — A Reserve man was jailed after police say he broke a 3-year-old girl’s arm because he was frustrated the girl urinated on herself, police said.

According to the St. John the Baptist Parish Sheriff’s Office, Gilbert Hidalgo, 24, injured his girlfriend’s daughter during a fit of rage two months ago.

“Hidalgo … told detectives that (he) broke the child’s arm after he became frustrated when she urinated on herself and that he had physically abused the child in the past and that most of the incidents were not reported to police,” a Sheriff’s Office release said.

Hidalgo was arrested and charged Thursday with accessory to second degree cruelty to juveniles. His girlfriend, 21-year-old Shelby Webre, was arrested the same day for accessory to second degree cruelty to juveniles.

Police records indicate they live together on Cedar Drive in Reserve.

Webre was released Friday after posting a $7,500 bond; Hidalgo was released Friday after posting a $35,000 bond.

The Sheriff’s Office said its case began April 21 when detectives received information from a local hospital about a 3-year-old female brought to the emergency department with a broken arm. Police said the Department of Children and Family Services temporarily removed the child from the care of her mother, Webre, and live-in boyfriend, Hidalgo, until a cause of the child’s injury could be determined.

Police said Webre and Hidalgo did not provide a consistent statement as to how the child obtained a broken arm, and detectives received medical records and other information indicating the child suffered injuries in 2016 and 2015.

“Webre provided inconsistent statements regarding the injuries reported in 2016 and never reported the injuries in 2015,” the Sheriff’s Office said.

Through medical records and assistance from forensic pediatricians, detectives concluded the injuries were suspicious for child physical abuse.
Warrants for the arrests of Hidalgo and Webre were obtained June 28.

During questioning, police said Hidalgo indicated Webre had knowledge he broke the child’s arm April 21 and Webre provided inconsistent statements and information to protect him from arrest.

Police said Webre backed up those statements, adding she denied having any knowledge of other injuries that may have been caused to her child by Hidalgo.

The child remains in the care of her biological father, according to the Sheriff’s Office.