‘Olympic-Style’ cupping therapy available in St. James

Published 12:01 am Wednesday, August 24, 2016

LUTCHER — St. James Parish Hospital’s Rehabilitation Department offers local “cupping” therapy — as used by Olympic athletes.

Although the news has recently been buzzing about “cupping” due to its utilization by Olympic athletes, this form of therapy is not new to St. James Parish Hospital.

Cupping is one of the many tools available to the hospital’s team of therapists, who develop individualized plans — often combining different methods — to best meet the needs of each patient.

Dry cupping is a typically pain-free technique in which special “cups” are used to create suction on particular points of the body with the goals of loosening muscles and encouraging blood flow.

Because cupping can loosen tight muscles, this form of therapy is often utilized by athletes, but can be a highly effective tool for any patients suffering from soreness and/or pain.

If you believe cupping may help in your treatment plan, discuss the possible benefits with your physician. For additional questions or to make an appointment with our Rehab Department, call 225-258-5934.