The St. John the Baptist Parish School Board recognized its Fifth Grade Students of the Year March 17. They are, from left, Lake Pontchartrain Elementary’s Lori Lennix, LaPlace Elementary’s Aleyda Gonzalez, Fifth Ward Elementary’s Emani Payne, Garyville/Mt. Airy Math and Science Magnet School and District Student of the Year Carlo Travis, John L. Ory Communication Arts Magnet School’s Tobore Takpor and Emily C. Watkins Elementary’s Charles Harris. Not pictured are East St. John Elementary School Student of the Year Tayah Cook and West St. John Elementary School Student of the Year Skylar Edwards. Superintendent Kevin George, back row from left, RTC Marketing Manager Katie Klibert and School Board President Keith Jones presented the awards. RTC, the sponsor of the Student of the Year program, presented school winners with Kindles and district winners with Kindle Fires.