Tomorrow’s work honors King best

Published 12:02 am Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Marches and rallies on the third Monday of every January and roads named in his honor are well-deserved tributes to Martin Luther King Jr., who became the face of the American Civil Rights movement.

It was great to see the turnout and passion shown this week on the East and West Banks of St. John the Baptist Parish.

From the sounds of marching bands of West and East St. John High Schools to the many generations of participants represented, it was obvious our community can come together in unison for something greater.

It’s that promise of what tomorrow may bring that truly holds the key to honoring King.

It was certainly great when community leaders gathered this past June for a ribbon cutting ceremony in Reserve renaming East 22nd Street as Martin Luther King Jr. Highway.

At the time, Parish President Natalie Robottom said, “As the first female and African American to serve as Parish President, this is a testament to how far we’ve come and the struggle many people have endured to get here. Through acknowledging the efforts of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we continue the fight for equality for Americans of every race and background and celebrate the shared promise of a better tomorrow.”

It’s the promise of a better tomorrow that needs to drive our actions in continuing service to the work King and so many others started decades ago.

In speaking at a celebration Monday for Dr. King, St. John Schools Superintendent Kevin George said we were all created equal, but every individual must play a part.

“It’s not enough to just pray or hope,” he said. “You must do. You cannot pray to be successful and then not put in the work to be successful. It’s called a grind — prayer goes alongside hard work, dedication and motivation.

“One of my favorite phrases is ‘Let’s get it.’ There is no misinterpretation of that. It means let’s get down to work, roll up our sleeves and let’s make it happen.”

Monday’s celebrations were another reminder that the best parts of honoring King’s past accomplishments come in the work we can all still do tomorrow.