Michel: Continuous prayer is great way to approach life

Published 12:01 am Saturday, October 3, 2015

I love when one of my children pops in for a visit, as my daughter Monique did this past Monday.

When she asked what I was working on, I simply responded, “I’m leading prayer at church Wednesday morning.” I certainly didn’t expect the conversation that ensued.

“So what does that entail?” Monique asked.

“I have to speak for ten minutes, then everyone breaks away to pray silently. At 6:45, I lead corporate prayer until 7.”

“You have to pray for 15 minutes?” she asked.


“Fifteen minutes! What are you going to pray about for 15 minutes? I know, you can list all of the world leaders.”

“Great idea,” I said, only to end the conversation, but a few minutes later she began again.

“Do you realize how long 15 minutes are?

“I’m becoming painfully aware,” I said while thinking that it’s much shorter than our conversation was going to last.

“Why don’t you make a list of the people we know, government officials, school board members …”

“Monique, I’ve got it under control.”

“Do you realize that I was married in less time than that? How are you going to pray for that long?”

I’m not sure what she’s going to say when she gets to the part in the Bible where it reads, “Pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). I’ve pondered that verse a lot and have come away with the conclusion that I will, as much as possible, keep a prayerful attitude.

Throughout the course of my day, especially when faced with a challenge, I want prayer to be my first response and not my last resort.

Ronny Michel may be reached at rmichel@rtconline.com.