Looks Bright: WSJ’s Miller inspired by family example

Published 12:07 am Saturday, April 11, 2015

EDGARD — Ke’Ira Miller is a driven student in the classroom and community.

Ke’Ira Miller

Ke’Ira Miller

The 18-year-old attends West St. John High School and maintains a part-time job.

“Before I enter into this big world, I want to mature a little, so I currently work part time at Walgreens to start learning what it is to make money for myself and how to manage it,” she said.

“I go to school early in the morning and work hard to maintain As in both of my classes, come home and get dressed for work. It’s fun making your own money — most days.”

She credits her dedication to hard work and independence to her parents, who she said are great.

“I live with my daddy, who is a very great example of what hard work is and what hard work can get you,” Miller said. “He spoils me, but he instills that in me every day. My mother, who also spoils me but won’t admit it, implants independency in my mind. She teaches me how to go out and do things on my own so that I won’t ever need anyone. The differences in my parents balance me out. They keep me sane.”

After high school, Miller plans to attend the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and study nursing.

“I think I’ll love the medical atmosphere and the thought of caring for others to help make them well,” she said. “One day I want to save a ton of lives, whether it’s through what I learn medically or just by simply inspiring someone to do better, to be better and to go for whatever their hearts may desire.”

Miller is motivated to succeed by the example her parents set.

“They live very comfortably, but I always tell them that I want more than they have,” she said. “I want to make them proud so that one day they can brag to their friends about me. The fact that I want to one day change and save a life drives me to be successful; that along with God gives me the juice I need to keep pushing on and never give up no matter what.”

Miller started high school in the top 10 students in her class and has maintained that distinction as a senior. She has been an active leader among her classmates and serves as vice president of the senior class.

Her favorite subject is English, although she said she is best at math.

“Math problems are sometimes challenging, but I love the feeling I get when I can figure out the answers to the problems that take a whole page to work out,” she said. “Then after I learn it well enough, I volunteer to help out my other classmates who need it.”

As she looks forward to graduation, Miller is planning a bright future, not only for herself but for those around her.

“In 10 years, I see myself working as a nurse in either the anesthesiology field of medicine or pediatrics field,” she said. “I will not only be able to support myself, but I will be able to give back to the community that helps make me into what I am.”

— By Michael Sanders

Editor’s note: The above is the seventh of a 10-week series, “Senior to Senior,” where a River Parishes high school 12th grader profiles one of his or her peers.