Keller: Looking forward helps change last

Published 11:45 pm Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Kenneth Maurin is a young man who grew up in Reserve and lived on the next street from where I lived. He is 54 years old. I didn’t have much dealing with Kenneth, even though he knew my children.   

The only thing I can remember about him is that he was considered a problem kid. If trouble surfaced, you could bet Kenneth was involved or close to the action.

I had the opportunity to counsel him over the years, but nothing I said or suggested seemed to get his attention.  

He married a lovely young lady named Kim. They have a son, Keith, who works at Motiva. The Bible says when you find a wife you’ve found a good thing. In spite of his trouble during his marriage, Kim loved him, and I’m sure prayed for him to change.  

He eventually made a small change about 10 years ago, but said he’s been set free only three years.

Many people planted a seed in his life and loved him, but he didn’t love himself. The one person he considers his mentor is Henry Stein of Reserve. He shared that Henry and his wife, Marsha (one of my favorite people) loved him, showed him how to discipline his life and how to be honest with himself.  

One of his closed friends, Al Louque, died last week after battling cancer for two years.

Kenneth visited or talked to him daily during that time. He credited Al with teaching him how to accept people wherever they were.    

Kenneth started to come to our Friday morning men’s meeting and has made an impact on all the men who attend.

Whenever he is asked to moderate the meeting, he never refuses and shares his story with a little humor, which touches others.

Last Friday the moderator, a man about his age, kept telling how the sin he was involved in had almost ruined his life and his marriage. Kenneth interrupted, like only he can, and said, “Listen, you better quit beating yourself down. God knows all of that and has forgiven you. It’s time to forgive yourself.”

Kenneth continued, “In your car there is a rearview mirror to see what’s behind you. If you keep looking in that mirror, you’ll soon get in an accident. The big glass in the front is called the windshield. That should remind you that looking ahead is what’s in the future.”

His message was simple. Quit looking back at your sinful past and relax and see what God has for your future.

The bottom line is when Kenneth speaks, people listen.  

He mentioned a few times at the meeting about the people who planted seeds in his life. I’m sure he’s grateful for all of those, but next to God, his wife is the most valuable player in his life.

In spite of the fact that I’m 26 years older than him, I’m glad we’ve become good friends.  

It’s exciting to see what a relationship with Jesus has done in his life. He is a miracle!

If you have any questions, or comments, please write to Get High on Life, P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084, call 985-652-8477 or e-mail: