Keller: One Hope Church offers chance to change everything

Published 11:45 pm Tuesday, September 2, 2014

One would think we have enough churches in America with over half a million. Well, our granddaughter Amber, her husband Josh Canizaro and their children Caleb and Liv believe there is room for one more.

After spending 10 years in Birmingham, Ala., the family has moved to Metairie.  

Josh was an assistant pastor at the Church of the Highlands in Birmingham.

He feels that God has called him to be a pastor and begin a work in the New Orleans area. The name of the church is One Hope Church, and the theme is “Hope Changes Everything.”  

The first service will be September 28 at 10 a.m. The church is located on 3519 Trafalgar Street in New Orleans, two blocks from City Park.  

In preparation for the opening, Josh had business size cards printed with One Hope Church on the front, and on the back is printed Hope Changes Everything (

Josh is not the only one excited!  Amber, Caleb, age six, and Liv, age three, are looking forward to the next chapter in their lives.  

Last week, Amber shared with me that while shopping at an office supply store, Caleb wanted to buy something with his own money. Amber allowed him to do so and as he opened his wallet and was getting the money, he found a Hope Changes Everything card. 

“Can I give it to the cashier?” he asked. 

“If you feel like it.”  

He gave the lady the card and after reading it, with tears in her eyes, she said, “You must have known I needed this. You’re an angel!” 

On the way home and afterwards at the house, Caleb was not very obedient.

Amber said, “Caleb, you are having a rough day!” Without missing a beat, he said, “But mom, don’t you realize I changed that lady’s life today!” I told his dad that he has to be a greeter at the church.

Caleb started school Tuesday. It’s his first year in a structured environment.

He was excited a month ago when he was told he was going to kindergarten. The excitement seemed to wear off and two weeks ago he told his mom, “I think I made a bad decision about going to school. I’m not ready, because I’m not very obedient. Mom, you need to teach me how to be obedient.”  

I’m sure Caleb will come home with many stories. I can’t wait to hear them!

I pray the church will be one that reaches out to the people no one wants. If so, the people every church is competing for will be attracted to One Hope Church, because they will experience that Hope Changes Everything.        

If you have any questions, or comments, please write to Get High on Life, P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084, call 985-652-8477 or e-mail: