Stop Mosquito Breeding with Proper Yard Drainage

Published 12:00 am Sunday, June 1, 2014

(StatePoint) As you enjoy time outdoors, it’s important to remember that warmer weather means prime mosquito breeding season in outdoor areas around your home and yard.

With the risk for mosquitoes carrying West Nile Virus (WNV), families are being urged to take preventative steps to protect themselves, such as by using mosquito repellant and regularly emptying standing water in flower pots, gutters and other areas of their landscape. According to the Centers for Disease Control, there are no medications to treat or vaccines to prevent WNV infection.

“Many homeowners may not realize that standing water and puddles in their yard can play a large role in attracting mosquitos. By being proactive, not only can you prevent costly issues that may be harmful to your health, but you can also keep your landscape a sanctuary that can be fully enjoyed,” says Ryan Larsen, a civil engineer with NDS, Inc, a nationwide leader in landscape drainage solutions.

Known as “Dr. Drainage” at NDS, Larsen is offering timely tips to help address larger issues that result from standing water:

Low Spots

Because every landscape has different needs, homeowners can better prevent drainage issues by first becoming familiar with the topography of their yard, identifying low spots, downspouts and other structures that may inhibit water flow, like retaining walls, edging, even walkways and patios.

Low spots can easily turn into “water reservoirs” and cause serious drainage problems. Once the low area becomes saturated with water, a muddy puddle begins to form, potentially attracting mosquitoes and other insects.  The unsightly muddy area not only detracts from the surrounding landscape, causing grass to die, but can also evolve into more serious property damage that comes with a costly repair price and potential health issues.

Redirect Excess Water

A proper drainage system typically includes a catch basin, helping to facilitate the collection, conduction and discharge of excess water on your property.

“By capturing excess water and transporting it away from low spots, catch basins are a very effective solution for homeowners,” says Larsen. “Depending on the terrain of your landscape, and with a little guidance, a drainage system can be installed over a weekend.”  

DIY Tips

For free resources, easy to follow instructional videos, product recommendations, installation instructions and links to local outlets where you can find the products that you need, visit Installation videos highlight often overlooked steps, such as placing stone under the installed catch basin and drilling holes in the bottom of the basin so water can gradually leech back into the soil.  To contact “Dr. Drainage” directly email him at

Mosquitos aren’t just a nuisance; they can be a health hazard. This season, be proactive. Reduce standing water on your property and protect your family.