New tourism push takes aim at international visitors

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 26, 2014

By Monique Roth

LAPLACE – Attract ions from all over the River Region, including plantations, restaurants and swamp tours, were recently filmed to be featured in a series of web videos promoting local travel to international audiences.

The River Parishes Tourist Commission partnered with Brand USA to promote New Orleans Plantation Country and other local sites and tastes in a series of videos that aim to showcase the uniqueness of major area attractions.

The locally focused, two-minute videos were designed and written for German, French and Spanish-speaking audiences with native-speaking on-camera talent. The hope is that these videos will entice international travelers to explore south Louisiana during a trip of their own.

Kimmie Carlos, executive director of the River Parishes Tourist Commission, said the River Region was one of the 10 areas in Louisiana asked by the Louisiana Office of Tourism to participate in filming. Carlos said the top three language-speaking tourists that the River Region attracts are Spanish, German and French, so she was excited those languages were used in filming.

“To reach international travelers is so important,” said Carlos.

She said there has been a large growth in the international visitors market to the River Region, with more growth expected and planned for.

Marieve Herington, a native of Toronto, Canada, and Vange Tapia, from Mexico City were joined by a videographer as they narrated the history and beauty of Laura Plantation in Vacherie as part of their recent trip. The crew worked in conjunction with another crew to cover as much of the River Region as possible in a two-day visit.

Herington and Tapia said they were thoroughly enjoying the sights, sounds and food of the area and that they were excited to educate others about all of the beauty and history that the area offers.

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