Congress ignores American outcry

Published 11:45 pm Friday, April 26, 2013

Failure by Congress to pass tougher gun control laws delivered a polarizing message to voters.

Polls have shown the American people overwhelmingly support at least some tightening of gun control laws. Two recent tragedies, including the Boston Marathon bombing last week, have only ramped up the hype to the point where any type of movement would mollify some pushing for change.

Yet, the Senate, in an unabashed display of partisanship, voted down a proposal that would have forced potential gun owners to go through a more stringent background check before purchasing a firearm. On the surface the bill appeared rather benign and was interestingly co-authored by a Democrat and Republic senator, which should have allowed it to cross both sides of the aisle.

The Louisiana vote predictably held party lines, with Sen.

Mary Landrieu voting for the measure and Sen. David Vitter against.

President Obama labeled the Senate action a “shameful day.”

The bill, which supporters hoped was a palatable compromise for Senate conservatives, called for expanded background checks of individuals purchasing weapons at gun shows and the Internet.

Gun control tugs at the heartstrings in south Louisiana, where the River Parishes are dotted with duck blinds and more rural areas such as Washington Parish sprinkled with a multitude of deer stands.

Hunting is an integral part of south Louisiana’s culture, with youngsters learning how to responsibly handle a firearm at an early age. Local economies are also fueled by hunting,

creating even more of a para-dox.

Despite that hard core of supporters, tougher gun laws are imminent. The public outcry is far too great to ignore any longer, although Congress seems rather adept, considering its action of this week.

Congressmen and women misplayed what was an excellent opportunity to show the country that they take gun control seriously and hear our voice, the voice of the people. Once again, the majority loses over the voice of a more powerful and well-funded minority.