Edgard native offering book of poetry inspired by personal trials

Published 12:00 am Saturday, March 23, 2013

By Kimberly Hopson

EDGARD – Local author Carolyn Dianna Morris held a special book signing for the release of her poetry collection, “For Every Tear,” recently at the St. John the Baptist Parish Library in Edgard. The event was filled with supporters from the surrounding community.
Morris, 56, was raised in Edgard. She was the youngest of four siblings and graduated from Second Ward High School. She went on to attend Meadows Draughon Business College. The event featured a reading from Morris’ book as well as several poetry readings children in the community, Morris’ brother and son.
“For Every Tear” was published through Westbow Press, an independent Christian publisher. Morris said the book was not something she planned initially but started as a way to cope while she recovered from multiple fractures on her leg. Her poems are tied very closely to Biblical scripture.  
“I kept breaking my leg, the same leg, over and over again. I have scoliosis in my back, which makes me fall and trip. It caused my leg to break. I battled with that since 2009, but it was diagnosed in 2010,” she said.  “It inspired me to write. I knew I had the gift, but I didn’t use it, so by me being sick (I said), ‘I need to write about what I’m going through.’  A lot of what’s in my book is what I struggled with. It’s really about my life. It just came out in poem form.”
“For Every Tear” was inspired by the trials she endured. Morris said she has had the gift of writing but never used it as she could have. She believes her struggle with scoliosis was part of God’s plan to give her an avenue to use her gift.
“I always wrote, but I only wrote when it was convenient for me. I was always blessed with the talent, but I never thought in a million years that I would’ve written a book,” she said. “I really did it because it was a calling. And I felt it. That’s why I kept getting sick, because God had to put me in a place where I had no choice but to write.”
Morris said the reception of her book has been nothing but positive, especially from her children and other family. She gave her book the title “For Every Tear” because she wanted to capture the range of human emotions and “everyday living” problems one could experience.
“For Every Tear” is available through the Amazon retailer website, the West Bow Press bookstore website, or by contacting Morris by phone or email at 504-610-4176 and ladydianna14@gmail.com.