Family wants home for the holidays

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 5, 2012

By Brooke O’Bryant
Contributing Writer

LAPLACE – After a quick trip to Home Depot on a busy Saturday afternoon, Melissa Taffara heads back to her parents home in LaPlace. When she gets there, she sees a shell of what her parents’ home use to look like.

Her parents Michael and Elaine Taffara have lived in this home for the past seven years, but Hurricane Issac took away everything they once knew.

“When the hurricane came, it completely flooded my parents home,” said Taffara.

Michael Taffara is a contractor who is not only working on customer’s homes, but he is also working day in and day out rebuilding his home.  The process has been slow since the family does not have the money to have others help rebuilding, so he has been doing all of the work himself.

“My dad is working so hard, and I got tired of watching him exhausted every day,” said Melissa Taffara.

The Taffara’s did receive a small amount of assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, however it was not enough to finish the remodel.

Watching her father work so hard everyday, Melissa decided she wanted to do something to help them out by starting a raffle. Not only is she trying to help her father rebuild, she is trying to help her mother get back on her feet. Three weeks ago, Elaine Taffara had major back surgery.

“It was my bright idea for the raffle because I just really want to help my parents recover,” said Taffara.

The drawing will take place Dec. 10, when Melissa will draw one name to win the $500 cash prize. Tickets can be purchased at Bayou Pets in Destrehan or by emailing Melissa at