There is so much to be thankful for
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 21, 2012
I have to believe that Thanksgiving is one of God’s favorite holidays. It’s the one day of the year that we thank God more than any other time. The rest of the time the prayer God hears most often is “HELP.”
Help me get through this; help me get well; help me with my finances; help me with my relationships, etc. Most of our prayer life is asking for something. I imagine we can chalk that up to being human.
As children, we spent more time and energy asking our earthly fathers for something we wanted and spent little time giving thanks when our request was granted. That behavior is extended into our spiritual life.
We are quick to ask our Heavenly Father for things we need and some not needed that are out of our control.
The prayer God hears the least is “Thanks!”
Last week, I was talking to a group, and the subject of Thanksgiving came up. I said that even the federal government (whom we resent getting into our personal lives) has to tell us when to be thankful. That’s why we have Thanksgiving Day.
Think about it. Only one day out of 365 we are encouraged to give thanks to our Heavenly Father.
I’m guilty, as most people, always asking for help, but slow to give thanks.
As I am writing this article, I’m reflecting on the many things for which I am thankful – my wife of 54 years, four unselfish children, 15 healthy grandchildren and seven exciting great-grandchildren, expecting two more. I am blessed to live in a free country with the friends that God has put in my life. I am grateful for God’s ministry of “Get High on Life” that He allows me and my family to be involved in. I am even thankful for every trial that I’ve been through, but most importantly, for God being with me in my darkest hours.
Writing this article has made me more conscious of the many things I should be thankful for, not only on Thanksgiving Day, but every day of the year.
As I close this message, God reminded me that it was written for me more than anyone else. For that I am grateful.
And a special thanks to the L’Observateur for allowing me to express my opinion in this newspaper for the past 32 years.
Happy Thanksgiving!
If you have any questions or comments, please write to Get High on Life, P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084, call 985-652-8477, or email