Recent debates offer few tangibles
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 24, 2012
The last of three presidential debates took place Monday evening, and so far few certainties have been produced.
Who won? Well that depends on which pundit is doing the analyzing. Each debate had its own unique tone. The first was characterized by a virtual lack of moderation, while many on the Republican side felt the second had too much moderation — and biased moderation at that. It has also been likened by many to a boxing match or street fight, which are two things Americans should never have to compare their politics to. One of the things some other nations envy about the American political process is that the transfer of power here is peaceful, but that seems to be something we are straying away from.
Monday’s debate, in contrast, seemed almost boring. It was a tightly moderated affair, with each candidate sticking to the prescribed format for the most part. Its presentation, with all seated at a round table, lent to the subdued atmosphere.
But still, after three rounds, neither candidate has laid out a clear plan for the next four years, relying instead on sound bites and innuendo.
In fact, if any certainty came out of these debates it is that the days of true statesmanship in this country may be over. Decades from now, students will still study the famed Lincoln-Douglas debates, which were actually for the Senate, not the presidency. These debates will probably not be remembered past Nov. 6.
Instead, what has come out of these debates are one-liners and Internet memes. Hardly the stuff of great leadership.
Of course, this cannot all be laid upon the shoulders of the candidates. Modern society and its miniscule attention span demands this to a certain extent. As does the strictly partisan nature of present-day politics in which giving an inch is seen as weakness rather than diplomacy.
So, in a way, we have made this lumpy, threadbare bed, and now we have to lie in it. But if these debates have produced another certainty it is this: America will never be able to truly move forward until its citizens demand more from its leaders.