Family, something to always cherish

Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 4, 2012

Kerri’s brisket is the best. Everyone knows that. Well, at least

everyone in my family. If there’s an event calling for brisket, my niece cooks it. And if she prepares it for her husband and son, she often shares a portion with us. I think she was more than a little surprised when I asked her (again!) for the recipe. She’s explained it to me in the past, but I apparently put it in my mental file marked, “Forget this information because you will never use it.”

She began, “Well, do you have a blue pan?”

“No. Should I?”

“Yes. You can get it at Walmart. It looks like the pan Aunt Ann always uses to bring the turkey for Christmas.”

In our family, once you experience success with a dish, an unwritten rule states you will supply that dish at subsequent events. Ann’s husband, Mike, always prepares the turkey.

“Or,” Kerri continued, “you can borrow mine.”

“I’ll borrow yours.”

“Fine. Now, you need two bottles of sauce, but don’t even bother looking for one of them. The only place you can get it is Matherne’s.”

“Where do I get the other one?”

“Anywhere. I’ll go to Matherne’s for you and bring the sauce when I bring you the blue pan.”

And she did. After working all

day, she picked up her son Dylan

and brought me everything I need-ed for a successful brisket before going home to fix dinner for her family.

Speaking of Dylan, it wasn’t long ago when he walked into my kitchen and proudly handed me a gift.

“What’s this for?” I asked.

“It’s just because I love you.”

The pretty notepads, stamped with ASAP, sit on my desk, a gentle reminder to Always Say A Prayer.

At this moment, my prayer is one

of gratitude, not just for Kerri

and Dylan but for my other nieces and nephews. Each of them graces my life with kindness, generosity, wisdom and wit. I pray for their

protection and obedience to God’s direction. May they daily use

their lives in service to God and others.

I’m not sure what Kerri’s prayers began with today, but they probably ended with, “And could You please remind Aunt Ronny to return my blue pan?”

Ronny may be reached at