As Republican primaries begin to heat up across the nation, who would you like to see on the ballot to compete against Barack Obama

Published 6:00 pm Monday, January 9, 2012

c4da5fa4-63c0-11e1-85ee-001cc4c0325c Rick Santorum 5
c4da6044-63c0-11e1-85ef-001cc4c0325c Mitt Romney 12
c4da60bc-63c0-11e1-85f0-001cc4c0325c Newt Gingrich 7
c4da6134-63c0-11e1-85f1-001cc4c0325c Ron Paul 13
c4da61a2-63c0-11e1-85f2-001cc4c0325c John Huntsman 3
c4da6210-63c0-11e1-85f3-001cc4c0325c None of the above 17