God knows what’s best

Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 26, 2011

Once upon a time, many, many years ago, my husband and I decided to buy an above ground pool and have it installed a couple of feet into the ground. Before it was even filled with water, I knew I wanted a small deck. Eight by 10 feet. Just enough to give the kids a place to wipe the grass off of their feet before jumping into the water. Michael agreed but only if my brother Matt could build the deck. Michael knew Matt was a gifted carpenter, but I think he forgot how creative he was.

I told Matt about my idea. You know, the 8 by 10 platform.

“No,” he said, “I will build it all around the pool.”

“Uhmm, OK,” I agreed.

“Can we put lights on the step?” I asked.

“That can’t be done,” Michael said, already regretting the whole pool/

deck idea.

“Matt?” I said, turning to my brother.

“I can do that,” Matt said. “And I’ll put a spot for a small table on one end. On the opposite end will be an open area for plants…” And it was all over. Michael and I had lost control, and it was now Matt’s project.

Board by board, we watched Matt’s vision become our reality. His ideas were so much better than ours, and we were grateful for our decision to let him build what he wanted us to have. I’m not sure we had a choice.

As I look toward my future, I refuse to limit God by what I believe is possible. In my life and especially the lives of my children, I trust God will do so much more than I can imagine. Day by day, I pray I am faithful to the tasks God places in front of me and open to receive His plans. Jeremiah 29:11 never fails to encourage me, “ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” How foolish I am to ever want to take my future out of God’s hands and place it in my own.

Ronny may be reached at rmichel@rtconline.com.