Horticulture hints and planting information available free
Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 5, 2011
How many of us have ever turned down something free? Maybe a few of us, but I can guarantee that we do not do it too often.
Many people still do not realize that the LSU Ag Center’s Cooperative Extension Service Office, with an office in every parish in the state, still offers one of the best values to the consumers. Much of the information distributed by the Extension Service, the county agents and the extension agents, formerly home economists, is still free. In this ever-expanding technological world, much of the information is available right on the LSU Ag center’s Cooperative Extension Service website, lsuagcenter.com. And most of it is still free.
If enjoying the beautiful weather that we have been experiencing and outside, then it is likely that you are wanting to do some work to improve your landscaping, including planting trees, flowers, shrubs or even a garden. Most of the information needed to do these things can be found at the LSU Ag Center’s website.
The LSU Ag center’s website is very easy and user friendly. Simply go to the website and click on one of the subject matter areas of interest to you. You will then be scrolling through various information, including publications and articles on the subject matter area that you selected. You might also try to do a search for any information that you are trying to locate by typing in some key words in the search box, which has the magnifying glass by its side.
One of the items that many homeowners received in the past that they you may be interested in viewing or printing is the Horticultural Hints. The Horticulture Hints newsletter is a publication that is distributed four times throughout the year – winter, spring, summer and fall issues. This publication contains information about lawn and landscape items from planting trees, flowers and shrubs to garden information – what to plant, when to plant and what needs to be done to the vegetables. If you have access to a computer and would like to view or print a copy of the Horticulture Hints newsletter, you can go to the LSU Ag Center’s website, lsuagcenter.com. Then select the “Parish Offices” feature on the right side of the home page, near the bottom. From the listing of the Parish Offices, click on your parish of residence. At the parish website there is a listing of topics and subtopics. Click on the word “Subtopics,” and it will bring you to a larger listing. At this site you can either click on “Newsletters” or you can scroll down and click on “Horticulture.” From either of these locations, you can print a copy of the State Horticulture Hints.
Please make use of the LSU Ag Center’s website to help locate information on lawn and garden, crops, livestock, environment and natural resources, money and business, family and home, community, food and health, kids, teens and 4-H and many other topics. After all, your tax dollars help to support the LSU Ag Center’s programs in your parish. Ag Center programs and offices are supported through dollars from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, LSU and your local governing bodies, the parish council and the school board.
For more information, you may also contact your local LSU AgCenter county agent for help. You can also contact David Pichon, St. John Parish county agent, by phone at 985-407-3261 or by email at dpichon@agctr.lsu.edu.
If you have any questions, please contact your local LSU Ag Center County Agent. You can contact David Pichon, County Agent-St. John Parish at 985-497-3261 or by email at dpichon@agctr.lsu.edu.