Paper recognizes achievements, efforts

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Each Wednesday, L’Observateur recognizes individuals and businesses in the River Parishes who have gone “above and beyond” in their efforts to make this a better place to live, work and play.

We believe an integral part of a community’s wellbeing is an attitude and arena where people who do good things … who work to improve life for others … who try to make a difference … are recognized and saluted.

Because this is a salute to members of the community of the entire River Parishes, we solicit your recommendations for groups or individuals to be considered for inclusion.

This week we salute:

• Norco resident Will Johnson, who shared a compelling story about recently reuniting with some of the men he fought alongside of during his days as a soldier in the Korean conflict in the 1950s. Johnson talked of his time overseas and the struggles he and his fellow soldiers encountered.

• Child Advocacy Services, who partnered with ReBath and Frenier Landing for Sundresses and Shrimp Boots, a fundraiser supporting the Cottages for CASA program that was recently held out at Frenier Landing. The event included a silent auction and a drawing for a custom built playhouse.

• The St. Charles Sheriff’s Office and School system, who recently conducted a joint training exercise at Lakewood Elementary in Luling. The training, which created the scenario of an active shooter on a school campus, was a lesson in communication between school officials and law enforcement.

• The St. James Parish Council, which recently engaged in serious discussion about the possibility of a recycling program in the parish. The parish hasn’t had a program for recycling in place since before Hurricane Katrina and several council members have said that residents are interested in a new program.