Paper recognizes achievements, efforts

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Each Wednesday, L’Observateur recognizes individuals and businesses in the River Parishes who have gone “above and beyond” in their efforts to make this a better place to live, work and play.

We believe an integral part of a community’s wellbeing is an attitude and arena where people who do good things … who work to improve life for others … who try to make a difference … are recognized and saluted.

Because this is a salute to members of the community of the entire River Parishes, we solicit your recommendations for groups or individuals to be considered for inclusion.

This week we salute:

• Members of the Harry Hurst Middle School “Green Team,” who were recently honored in Washington D.C. for creating a recycling program at the St. Charles Parish school. The group managed to collect more than 16,000 gallons of recyclable material last year.

• Garyville resident Tasha St. Pierre, who recently completed a six-month probationary period to become a firefighter with the Garyville Volunteer Fire Department. St. Pierre was trained in basic firefighting skills for first response, communication, emergency vehicle operation and hazardous materials awareness.

• LaPlace screenwriter Jim Jackson, who penned the script for a teenage horror film currently in production and filming in locations across southeast Louisiana. Jackson, who is currently working on two other projects for film production is an avid writer and cartoonist.

• The St. Charles Registrar of Voters Office, which is conducting various voting registration drives as part of Voter Education Week. The office has scheduled several registration drives in various locations in advance of the Oct. 22 election.