Is your life like a reality show?

Published 12:00 am Saturday, August 20, 2011

“I should have my own reality show.”

Oh, if only I had a day of maid service for every time I’ve heard Lauren utter those words. I admit it. My daughter’s life is quite interesting. Although it happens often, I’m still surprised by the salespeople who recognize her and strangers who approach her seeking advice before making a purchase. I’ve also overheard phone conversations that might begin with a quest for directions or an order for a cookie cake and don’t end before she asks a

few questions, engages in small talk and assures her new friends that their diligence should earn them a raise.

Despite all of this, Lauren does not need a reality show. Although her life consists of many funny, interesting and exciting experiences, if Lauren’s life was a reality show, the camera would

also have access to our family’s share of misunderstandings, arguments and leaps to wrong conclusions. Granted, some of those episodes have appeared here in print; however, it is after the dust has settled and never before I receive permission. Just ask Victoria. On the return trip from her second visit to the

doctor’s office in one day, I asked, “Can I write about the Indian fire?”

“Too soon,” she said. So if the topic comes up around her, let’s all just act natural.

Back to reality TV. I’m just not

a fan. Well, wait. There is one program I watch, “Celebrity Apprentice,” but I become uneasy when they argue. Why can’t they just all get along? And I hate when Donald Trump fires someone. Why can’t they all work and live happily ever after? Now, I’m a huge fan of happily ever after.

No, I don’t like drama, but I love peace. I don’t accept every invitation to argue and realize there can be no tug of war game if I refuse to pick up the rope. I also must try, try, try to heed the wisdom of Proverbs 15:1, “A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.” It’s never easy but always worth the effort.

My aim is Psalm 43:12-14, “Does anyone want to live a life that is long and prosperous? Then keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies! Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it.” Now I’d love for this reality to show in my life!

Ronny may be reached at