April 20 marks to one-year anniversary of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. What is your opinion of the status of the cleanup effort?

Published 12:00 pm Tuesday, April 19, 2011

c4c59b14-63c0-11e1-8522-001cc4c0325c For all intents and purposes, the cleanup is done. 1
c4c59bc8-63c0-11e1-8523-001cc4c0325c BP and state agencies did a pretty good job, but there is still some work to do. 3
c4c59c54-63c0-11e1-8524-001cc4c0325c Although the workers have left for the most part, there is still much cleaning to do. 3
c4c59ccc-63c0-11e1-8525-001cc4c0325c The cleanup only targeted the superficial oil. Now they must look at oil beneath the surface of the water and below ground on the coast. 13
c4c59d4e-63c0-11e1-8526-001cc4c0325c No matter what they do, the Gulf Coast will never be the same again. 13