Marathon brings science to life at ESJE
Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 2, 2011
laplace – East St. John Elementary School’s partner in education, Marathon, provided an excellent hands-on opportunity to the school’s students. Marathon employees volunteered their time to provide a science expo for the fourth-graders at the school. The employees and used everyday household items to bring science to life.
The school’s fourth graders rotated to several different stations, which were coordinated and run by Marathon employees. The various stations included creating Alka-Seltzer rockets, exposing students to the effects of ultraviolet light, comparing acids and bases using household products, building circuits using wire, magnets and a battery, comparing potential and kinetic energy, making glow-in-the-dark slime and examining fossils.
Jerry “Texx” Galloway, ESJE principal, feels that the significance of having Marathon share these experiments with his students is important to their learning of science. According to Galloway, the benefit this experience provides to his students is incredible.
“We know that science is best learned through first-hand experimentation. Our students have learned the concepts in the classroom. Now the Marathon volunteers are bringing the concepts to life for our students,” said Galloway.
“Not only is Marathon providing a supportive community relationship to our students, Marathon employees have made a commitment to the students of ESJE and to their learning,” continued Galloway.
Throughout the year, ESJE students have benefited significantly from the resources that Marathon has provided to the school: donations of school supplies, Science Expo Days, student mentoring, and other financial support.
“For 10 years, Marathon has been East St. John Elementary’s partner in education, and during this time, we have been honored to work with the students and provide unique educational opportunities. To see the joy in the students faces as they perform these hands-on experiments and are able to connect classroom learning with real application is truly priceless,” said Barb Weber, senior human resources consultant for Marathon.