Interventions reveal truth
Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 2, 2011
People often ask me, “What exactly do you do?” I tell them I try to help people that have living problems, namely, those affected by the abuse of alcohol or illegal drugs.
Because I have the privilege of writing an article in this paper, many people know I speak at schools, safety meetings, rehabilitation centers, jails, churches and organizations.
The one area I feel gets more results is when I’m asked to do a family intervention. Most families, because of pride, ask for someone to intervene as a last resort. The reason is because they hope the problem will disappear and, also, because of the shame they would feel if others knew what they were dealing with. The wall they’ve built to keep others out has locked them in with no solution and lots of misery.
When I do get a call for help and I mention a family intervention, the first question I get is, “How does it work?” My standard answer is, “I really don’t know, but I guarantee if everyone is honest, it will be the beginning of most members being freed from the bondage of the addiction.
A typical intervention is usually done at the home with as many immediate family members present as possible. I ask that we all hold hands and pray for the Holy Spirit to guide us to be honest and for me to realize I don’t have the answer, but God does.
Over the years, I’ve never seen one fail to get positive results. I’ve seen God heal many longtime hidden wounds in families that would never have revealed their hurt.
I’ll never forget, years ago, one of my first interventions was with a family that had a teenager with a drug problem. To this day, the teenager never has defeated the addiction. If it sounds like the intervention was unsuccessful, you’re right. However, the mother admitted to being an alcoholic, sought help and lived a sober life until her death.
Interventions are one way God uses people to help others.
If you have any questions or comments, please write to Get High on Life, P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084, call (985) 652-8477, or e-mail: