What are your plans for the Thanksgiving holiday?

Published 3:30 am Wednesday, November 17, 2010

c4b99b8e-63c0-11e1-84b1-001cc4c0325c I will spend the day at a relative’s house. 29
c4b99c42-63c0-11e1-84b2-001cc4c0325c I have family coming over for dinner. 20
c4b99cc4-63c0-11e1-84b3-001cc4c0325c I will spend a quiet day at home. 8
c4b99d3c-63c0-11e1-84b4-001cc4c0325c I plan to go out to eat. 1
c4b99dbe-63c0-11e1-84b5-001cc4c0325c I will be glued to the TV watching the Saints game. 11